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Therapy Services

Individual Therapy

Emotional distress has many faces… it can present as anxiety and depression, panic, physical ailments or sadness and a feeling of emptiness. It can show itself as boredom, a lack of direction or motivation or low self esteem.

In individual sessions we work to find the cause of the symptoms or distress, educate about the importance of healthy boundaries and find workable solutions to ensure relief and positive change.

individual therapy

Couples Therapy

Couples typically experience communication problems which can lead to conflict and arguing, resentment and the experience that the good feelings are gone. They may feel they no longer have anything in common or they are just not in love anymore.

In couples therapy we work to identify the unhealthy patters in their communication and help to change or undo those patterns. We help couples to navigate conflict in ways that inspire closeness and emotional intimacy.

couples therapy

Family Therapy

Family problems frequently present as conflict between parents and children, sibling conflict, rebellion or acting out behavior, school problems, a child withdrawing from family and social interactions or low self esteem.

In family therapy we look to identify patterns that may generate negative emotions in one or more family members. We work to create healthy patterns by improving boundaries and communication thereby reducing conflict, distress and discomfort in the family.

family therapy

Trauma Therapy

The effects of trauma remain long after the actual event or events in ways that haunt, betray, deceive, control or debilitate the victim. The triggers can be anywhere, at anytime catching one off guard and catapulting one right back into the feelings of the original event. The residuals of trauma can interfere with daily functioning and prevent the victim from living a happy, healthy, normal life. It does not have to be that way.

We work with clients to process traumatic events within a trusted therapeutic relationship where the client finds relief from unwanted, intrusive triggers and learns new coping mechanisms. Additionally, state of the art EMDR can be utilized and is a very effective, proven therapeutic technique to address trauma.

trauma therapy